Dormarion is, in ways both practical and profound, the sound of a man figuring out exactly who he is. Also, it's a total fucking hoot. Michael Benjamin Lerner originally intended to record the album completely on his own. Instead, he made the record in two weeks with Spoon drummer Jim Eno at Public Hi-Fi, his Austin, TX, studio. On Dormarion Lane, to be specific. It's a beautiful-sounding word, and if you Google it, nothing but this one tiny street comes up, says Lerner. No origin, no description. I can't tell you what the word means. It's like something from Lost. Power Lines, Empathetic People, Ghosts and Creatures, Wires, Lean on Me, Symphony, Dark to Light, Little Hill, Ever True, Island #4, Laissez-Faire, You Take It Slowly